Tuesday, May 3, 2011

OMG You Guys!

I just read through this page at the web site of A Room Of Her Own, sponsors of the writing retreat at Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM, that I am honored to attend in August. Yes, that Ghost Ranch.  Georgia O'Keefe Ghost Ranch.

 I cannot beleeeeeeve that I will be sharing a dorm-style bathroom with many of these ladies!

I have a lot of homework reading to do.


  1. Ghost Ranch is surrounded by beautiful spiritual land! You will love it! Bring your hiking boots!!!

  2. Yes, I had a week at Owl Mountain Retreat Center (a snug cabin, perfect for one) in the desert near Abiquiu back in 2006. The silence helped me break through writer's block to reach the home stretch in writing YU. I can't wait to get back there!
